Undoubtedly, pink is one of the most visually delicate colors. Inclusively, some of its attributes are loving, nurturing, sensitivity and feminine. It implies calmness, as well as strength.
Her eyes are a portal that ushers you to a vivid depiction of her journey. They grant you uncontested access to her passion, freedom, her love, her past and her pain, all without an utterance to what she may hold in confidence.
Nature has or is its own feminine prepossessing qualities that is exemplified through the true beauty of a woman. She exudes an intangible essence and a radiance reminiscent of everything made beautiful by the sun.
Based on perception, femininity leads to her disposition, appearance, style, grace, gentleness and other innate qualities.
She has superhero-like qualities with an unbounded ability to incubate, strengthen and bolster anything she harnesses. Fragile, but not weak, she is encased with the markings that simply states, “handle with care.” To mismanage her superior attributes, is to disrupt nature’s own divinity.
Sight is one of the most viable sensory properties we have; however, there are so many things we misread while they are open, but wide shut. “Pink Eye” helps to visually depict the balance between the tangible and spiritual qualities of what I deem feminine.
I hope that you embrace and appreciate my creative exposition of women and femininity…